Thursday 22 October 2009

Little bits and pieces

Is it just me or is Blogger's scheduled post function not working so well? Very frustrating.

Another of my friends has started a blog for the first time ever. This brings the total of people I know IRL that have recently started blogging to three over as many months. I like to pretend that this is because of the influence I exert on them. Visit Brett and give him some comment love, please. He also knows Helen IRL. That further boosts his credibility ;-)

I remember when I first started blogging (which will be two years ago next weekend). I wasn't quite sure why I was doing it and I sure as hell didn't have a clue how it worked. I struggled on for awhile before I discovered the fairly close-knit SA blogging community and other international blogs worth reading. And I struggled even after that to get people to interact with me on my blog. Now I love that I have blogs I read daily and people that I consider as friends, even if we've never met, that I found on the blogosphere.

So when I discover a "fledgling blog" (as my other IRL new-blogger friend Live Strong calls his), I feel like I want to help that person reach the nice space in blogging and get over that "is anyone else out there?" phase ASAP.

Is this making any sense?

Anyway, having read through all the comments on yesterday's post about bartering, I think I am going to host a "swap circle" early next year (so we can include the Christmas presents we don't want along with anything else we want to swap - books, CDs, DVDs, clothes, accessories, food, furniture... whatever). I'm still slightly uncertain of the idea, so some affirmation and interest from you lot would be greatly appreciated. Also ideas on logistics.

Right, I've run out of random (for now). Off to read some of yours.


Don't believe a word I write said...

I like the idea of a swap circle. However, please don't allow mattresses and other furniture that may contain bed bugs into this circle of trust. Proliferating little varmints!

Tamara said...

Deal. Also no secondhand underwear methinks.

Janine / Being Brazen said...

swap circle is a fun idea - me likes :)

Don't believe a word I write said...

haha, second-hand underwear. HOT! And while we're at it, no slightly used toothbrushes either.

Flying Lessons said...

I'm in!! I'm an excellent baker and will trade cupcakes fro stuff...and of course my (unused) Yardley deodorant.

Helen said...

I'm in!

And I think it's awesome that you help the fledgelings, it's really demotivating to get nothing back when you spend time on something, particularly when it's personal like a blog...

Jeanette said...

I also love helping out new bloggers :)

Tamara said...

Brazen: Yay! Approval!

DBAWIW: Or toilet brushes. *shudder*

Flying Lessons: Yay - now all I need is a way to contact you. Seeing your blog doesn't let me leave comments.

Helen: Totally. Even now, if I get no comments on a post I feel crushed. Sad, but true.

Jeanette: Coz you're nice! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Swap Circle sounds awesome!

SO going to check out those blogs!