So I'm just going to post the random bits and pieces that are floating (and sinking) around in my skull. Sorrreeeee for yoooou! Suckers... MwahahaHAHA! Enjoy my ellipsis abuse while it lasts, for it is rare indeedy. Or not.
Uhhhhhh.... I feel like I'm in a dead space at the moment. Nothing exciting is going on, and for once, I'm not under too much pressure. I work well under pressure, so I'm not working well at the moment. Like a little faulty pressure cooker - everything is half-cooked, including my brain...
Moving on... We visited our new house on Monday evening to discuss taking over some of the garden equipment and tools. TSC loves tools like most women love chocolate, only more... In fact, he loves tools like men love boobs. Yes, that much. Tis true. Thus Monday evening's outing made for a long discussion with the people we're buying from and resulted in much boredom on my part. I mean, how excited does he want me to get over a work bench. If it were a chocolate work bench it would be a different story...
I came away more sad than happy... Not about the house... LOVE the house. But the owners will put their gorgeous cat George down when they leave (going to Australia). He is a beautiful, friendly cat who looks exactly like my kitty Marble at an older age, and I would desperately like to keep him, but I can't see a way to do that...
Ok, crying now. Seriously. I am as soft as double-ply loo paper. So much for dead space... Rargh...
In other news, I seem to have Neil Diamon's Sweet Caroline in my head for some obscure reason. I'm mentioning it to ensure that I pass on the misery.... Come on! Altogether now: Sweeeeeeeet Caroline... ba-da-ba... Good times never seemed so good... I know you're singing with me! Sweet Caroline...
Ahem... fisnihed now, I promise...
Yesterday was payday. Now there's a good reason to be singing, bar the bunch of debit orders that eat away my pay within minutes of it arriving in my account, that is...
But, the other good news is that some of my freelance clients have paid, so there is moolah in our work account. Yeeeeha! Still scared to touch it though. Need some tax education ASAP. Ruby? Oooohhh... new song, new song: Ruby, Ruby, Ruby... ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! 'Scuse the howling...
Last night there was a cat sitting on our neighbours roof, howling (yes, cats can howl apparently). Eventually the owners came home and managed to get it back inside. I feel like sitting on a roof and howling... Why? I dunno. Would just be cool to see everyone's faces, I guess. Not so cool to be in a straight jacket afterwards though...
I warned you that the randomness is strong today. And it's contagious... See:

Ok, done for real now. Till tomorrow, when sanity may or may not be restored.
Poor kitty *sniff sniff* - why cant they just find it a nice new home?
Oh no, i have that song in my head now...Sweeeeeet caroline...wo oh oh ....heehhee
That cartoon is hyterical
I LOVE that cartoon!
Shit can I adopt that cat? I'm not even in the country but that is just too sad.
That cartoon is brilliant though!
yum, a chocolate work bench :) now there's something worth posting about!
I love the ellipsis...but I hate myself for it.
I also loved this post.
Perhaps your house sellers could contact Friends of the Cat, that way they probably wouldn't have to put him down.
i only love boobs covered in chocolate...
Brazen: He's a very old cat and they don't think he'd rehome well. Sigh :(
Benny: Me too ;-)
Ches: I wish I could! Seriously! But my pansy cats wouldn't cope, and it's not fair to George to bring two young upstarts into his house.
Po: The poor darling. He's such a character - one of those affectionate cats that rushes up to rub against your legs and get a cuddle. Sniff.
Philly: Yup. Wouldn't last very long though between me, the ants and the SA sun ;-)
TJF: They think he'd struggle to adapt to a new home at his age. He'd also need someone who would be willing to pay the vet bills as he gets older and more arthritic, which isn't that far away.
Slyde: I just knew you'd manage to make a comment that included chocolate and boobs ;-)
Just stumbled across your blog, and I really enjoyed it!
Will definitely be back to read more!
Hi Sass. Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon ;-)
i love it when you fall into randomness...because it is then when you reveal yourself as a genuine carbon copy of the one called
I'd love helping you sweety....we must just schedule a meeting time and I can get all the background and help you got me details, you're more than welcome to use them:)
thanx to you, my glugs spent half the weekend singing "sweet caroline"!
why would the people put their cat down... is he old? can they not find a home for him?
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