Monday, 4 July 2011

2011 - not a fan

I can't believe it's July already. 2011 is just rushing by. I'm hoping for a less frenetic second half. I did not enjoy the first part of the year. Work stuff, family stuff, life stuff, church stuff...

It's not all been bad, as TSC reminded me the other day. He found a job, which has been a major worry lifted off our shoulders. He graduated from his diploma and has now passed all his exams (found out this morning) for his first semester of the B. Tech.

We made some good friends; we've become closer to other friends and family through the rough times we've all endured. We've seen people grow up. We've stopped trying to impress some people. We've come to understand the value of down time.

I've learned some good business lessons through sticky situations. I've renewed old friendships, let go of some unhealthy ones and watched others grow into a new season. I've been spoiled by my generous husband and been surprised by how God fits puzzle pieces together when I can't see a way they can work.

All in all, it's been a character-building year.

Character building is not fun. Maybe my character-building for 2011 is done?

Pahahaha... I somehow doubt it. But here's to the good stuff... The simple stuff... The patch of sun filtering into the room as I type; the cats that have cuddled me through two weeks of nasty flu.

Here's to the TV shows that make me smile and forget; the one awesome client who eclipses two not-so-nice ones. Here's to fabulous brunches with my folks; to good coffee, electric blankets, home-grown spinach, exciting projects, unexpected catch-ups and positive conversations. Here's to daily hugs and kisses from TSC, to red wine, good pillows, BBMs, business opportunities and bathroom renovations.

This is the stuff that 2011 has been made of. Here's to the second half of 2011.


Shayne said...

It's the small things that help us get through the big things that happen in our lives.

At least you have been able to be there for your family when they've needed you - that's a big thing.

I just cannot believe that we're half way through 2011 already - where has the time gone to?

Louisa said...

I actually can't believe it's only July now...I'm completely exhausted already!

boldly benny said...

Oh my word my lady just wrote a post about how things can be rough. Certain aspects of my life are so great and in certain ways 2011 has been incredible and in certain ways it has been tough.
Right now, I'm so over winter and ready for sunshine and positivity. Since that's a while away I'm doing my best to be thankful for the little things I take for granted - delish dinners, a warm bed, having my hubby in CT :)

cat said...

Gosh yes, half way thourgh. I really hope the next half is great for you - but you put such a positive spin on the not so good part. Truly admirable.

Slyde said...

the entire time i read this i pictured you saying this to me in person, but with the accent that leonardo dicaprio had in "blood diamond".....

Helen said...

it has been a rough year. Here's hoping you'll have a calmer next half!

Jenty said...

Hope the next half of the year is better... I'm hoping it will be for me too, the first half has seriously sucked!