Seeing the week has got even better *sarcasm*because my boss has not paid me my full salary (she's paid part of it, late, and says the rest will get paid on Mon), I reckon we celebrate both occasions with this yummy cake:

Want a piece?
Have a fabulous week everyone!
Is it just me or is Blogger's scheduled post function not working so well? Very frustrating.
Another of my friends has started a blog for the first time ever. This brings the total of people I know IRL that have recently started blogging to three over as many months. I like to pretend that this is because of the influence I exert on them. Visit Brett and give him some comment love, please. He also knows Helen IRL. That further boosts his credibility ;-)
I remember when I first started blogging (which will be two years ago next weekend). I wasn't quite sure why I was doing it and I sure as hell didn't have a clue how it worked. I struggled on for awhile before I discovered the fairly close-knit SA blogging community and other international blogs worth reading. And I struggled even after that to get people to interact with me on my blog. Now I love that I have blogs I read daily and people that I consider as friends, even if we've never met, that I found on the blogosphere.
So when I discover a "fledgling blog" (as my other IRL new-blogger friend Live Strong calls his), I feel like I want to help that person reach the nice space in blogging and get over that "is anyone else out there?" phase ASAP.
Is this making any sense?
Anyway, having read through all the comments on yesterday's post about bartering, I think I am going to host a "swap circle" early next year (so we can include the Christmas presents we don't want along with anything else we want to swap - books, CDs, DVDs, clothes, accessories, food, furniture... whatever). I'm still slightly uncertain of the idea, so some affirmation and interest from you lot would be greatly appreciated. Also ideas on logistics.
Right, I've run out of random (for now). Off to read some of yours.
The climate of the Earth is always changing and several centuries ago the causes of this change would have been primarily natural in origin. Nowadays, although natural changes in the climate continue do occur, the term 'climate change' is generally used when referring to changes in the Earth's climate which have been identified since the early part of the 1900s. Many of the causes of these changes are related to humanity's emissions of 'greenhouse gases'.
According to DEAT, possible changes we'll see in SA in the next 50 years if we don't do something about our greenhouse gas emissions are as follows:
That all sounds like stuff we've heard before. But there's also stuff we haven't stopped to consider yet. Like the fact that climate change in South Africa might create a shift in the malaria areas and increase the number of people exposed to the disease.
Another sobering quote from DEAT:
Maize production (in SA) contributed to 71% of grain production during 1996. To meet the increasing food demand, agriculture has to expand by approximately 3% annually. Under the climate scenario that predicts a hotter drier climate, maize production will decrease by approximately 10-20% over the next 50 years, and
speciality crops grown in specific environmentally favourable areas may also be at risk. An increase in pests and diseases would also have a detrimental effect on the agricultural sector, and invasive plants could possibly become a greater problem.
So not only will we be be short of water, experiencing droughts and floods and finding an increase in pests and disease, we'll probably also lose tourism business, find plants and animals becoming extinct more quickly and lose huge revenue in the farming sector, among other industries.
All sounds miserable, no? That's because the situation is rather dire, truth be told. BUT (there's always a but) there are ways you and I can help to make a change. And some of them are so simple, it would be a crime not to try.
Visit the WWF page on how to lesson your environmental impact for great tips to use at work, at home, in the garden, in politics, when you're out shopping etc. You can also use the carbon footprint calculator to see what your personal damage is.
And here are a few easy things you can do to make a difference, no matter where in the world you live:
Please feel free to add your own green living / CO2-cutting measures in the comments.
Any thoughts from any of you on lurking? Lurkers? ;-)
Well, have a fab Friday. Let's hope it goes quickly until close of business. Then things can slow down for the weekend.
Have a good one.
PS: See that pretty blue badge on the right for Blog Action Day? Dare you to join! This year's theme is Climate Change. Sign up NOW as it happens next week. Please? And thanks to Damaria for the reminder.
Not quite as great:
I also picked up a subscription to Fresh Living magazine (at long last). I paid the normal price (R132 for a year) and got a book of crowns (the festival currency) worth R100. Great deal! Wish I'd known about it when we arrived, seeing we'd already tasted most of the dishes by the time we got to the Fresh Living / PnP stand. We had to go back into the festival and figure out how to spend our crowns. We ended up having some yummy Amarula cocktails and getting some deli meats and biltong, which made TSC happy.
All in all, we had a good time. Thanks again to Phillygirl and to the Tribeca PR folks.