Every year I have great intentions of being more organised and less of a mess. And generally I start off very well and then descend into my usual bad habits by about mid-February (dumping my shoes in the kitchen as soon as I get into the house, not keeping my log book up to date, forgetting to file my telephone bills, losing my diary etc).
But this year not even my smooth start has been possible. We've gone straight to chaos, bypassing the whole "new leaf" stage.
See, I have a job-hunting husband sitting at home stressing, which means that there is no real hope of a routine for me. Furthermore, the useless piece of crap otherwise known as my ancient Nokia cell phone has given up the ghost and been replaced by a sleek, new, impossible to use Blackberry (damn I hate the QWERTY keypad), which has mysteriously eaten half of my contact details.
I also finally got round to taking my poor Ella (my car, a gorgeous Honda Jazz) to the panel beaters following someone reversing into her last year, so I'm currently driving a rental. The fact that in this little Corsa the indicators (signal lights) are on the opposite side of the steering wheel and the reverse gear is forward not backwards on the gearshift means that I actually have to think about driving while I'm doing it. Nevermind the fact that the door unlock button is underneath the radio instead of underneath the window and the key looks like it's about to break every time I turn it. Eep!
My once-a-week cleaning lady also couldn't come this week and my new once-a-week gardener has gone home to Zimbabwe to divorce his wife, so the house and garden are a bit... wild. And, in between all of this, TSC and I decided to paint one of the walls a different colour for a bit of a change downstairs (ok, so that last one was more me - I get the urge to "fix" my home every January). Despite vacuuming and washing the floor, there still seems to be dust from sanding the wall down before we painted it.
On the upside, at least I can't get cross with myself when I slide back into disorder if I'm already there ;-)
Off to sort out my bedside table now. I can hopefully bring a little bit of order to that small space.